Financial Reports
  Corporate Trustee Tidelands Royalty Trust 'B'
Argent Trust Company, Trustee
3838 Oak Lawn Avenue
Suite 1720
Dallas, TX 75219
  Registrar and Transfer Agent Equiniti Trust Company, LLC.
6201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
  Investor Contact Ron E. Hooper
3838 Oak Lawn Avenue
Suite 1720
Dallas, TX 75219
Toll Free 1-855-588-7839
  Trust Auditors KPMG, LLP
Dallas, Texas
  Trust Counsel Haynes and Boone, LLP
Dallas, Texas

If a violation of Argent Trust Company's is suspected, we
encourage reporting of this to the Argent Financial Ethics Hotline at 1-844-201-9815.

The Trustee for the Tidelands Royalty Trust 'B' is Argent Trust Company